Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pollination Workshops

The following upcoming workshops may be of interest to CCMGA members and associates.


It's free from the Wildlife Habitat Council - you just need to register:

June 9: Plants and Pollinators with Dr. Stephen Buchmann.

In anticipation of National Pollinator Week, June 15-21, join renowned author Dr. Stephen Buchmann for a memorable conversation about pollinators and the plants to which they are intimately linked. Dr. Buchmann first called our attention to the world of pollinators through his book "The Forgotten Pollinators" and will share his stunning photos, scientific knowledge, and engaging stories as he previews his latest book, "The Reason for Flowers."

Dr. Buchmann, International Director, Pollinator Partnership, is perhaps the world's foremost authority on native and honey bees, and plant/pollinator interactions. His research interests include native bee nesting behavior, conservation biology and pollination ecology, especially buzz pollination.

Course highlights
  • Learn about the fascinating and complex world of pollination
  • Get an update on the current state of pollinators


register now

US Forest Service Pollinator Training Workshop
Helping You Help Pollinators. Protect Their Lives. Preserve Ours
June 17, 2015
Cranberry Mountain Nature Center
Elkins, West Virginia

Dear Helen Gibbins:

The USDA Forest Service’s Eastern Region is partnering with the Pollinator Partnership (P2) to develop and execute pollinator training workshops this Pollinator Week June 15-21, 2015. These workshops will focus on the importance of pollinators, the threats they currently face, and actions to help support them.

Government agencies, non-profits, for-profits, citizen scientists, and pollinator enthusiasts are welcome to join this invitation- only pollinator training workshop to learn and explore more about the importance of pollinators properly functioning ecosystems, with pollinator habitat resources intact, are integral to ensuring a sustainable path for the planet and all its life forms.

This is by invitation only and is on a first come first served basis.

Agenda (subject to change):

TIME            ACTIVITY
8:00 AM           Check-in
8:30 AM           Welcome and Logistics (15 min)
8:45 AM           Participant Round Robin (30 min)
9:15 AM           About Pollinators (45 min)
10:00 AM         Break
10:15 AM         Ecosystem Management and Pollinators (15 min)
11:00 AM         Local Pollinator Project(s) (30 minutes)
11:30 AM         Land Management and Pollinators (30 min)
Noon                Lunch
1:00 PM           NRCS and Pollinators (30 min)
1:30 PM           Ecosystem Management and Pollinators – Pollinator Friendly Practices (60 min)
2:30 PM           Bombus Monitoring as an Indicator of Pollinator Health (30 min)
3:00 PM           Bombus Field Work (60 min)
4:00 PM           Discussion, Brainstorm, Conclusion (30 min)

Cranberry Mountain Nature Center
Monongahela National Forest – Elkins, West Virginia
At intersection of Rt. 39/55 and Rt. 150 (Highland Scenic Highway), 14 miles west of Marlinton, 21 miles east of Richwood.
The physical address doesn’t work in GPS units.

Please come prepared to give a brief (2 minute maximum) introduction to your work and goals (big or small) for pollinator projects.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation to/from the training along with bringing their own lunch and snacks.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you in June!


Mary Byrne on behalf of the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region and the Pollinator Partnership
Jan Schultz
Program Leader Botany, Nonnative Invasive Species and Special Forest Products
Regional Office Eastern Region USFS
626 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Whitney Bailey
Forest Ecologist
Monongahela National Forest (WV)
200 Sycamore Street
Elkins, WV 26241
304-636-1800 x280
Mary Byrne
Plant Ecologist
Pollinator Partnership
423 Washington Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

If you plan on attending one of these training sessions and need special accommodations, please call the Pollinator Partnership office at 415.362.1137 at least two weeks in advance of your training.