Monday, July 6, 2015

Protecting Pollinators in Ornamental Landscapes

Dear Master Gardener Coordinator,

I am sure that most of you have been training Master Gardeners to assist in answering questions about the safety of garden center plants to bees, and how to protect bees and other pollinators in the yard and garden.  Michigan State University and North Carolina State University have organized a national conference to inform educators on this subject.  Coordinators, leaders, program assistants, and master gardeners that want to be trained in this area of expertise are all invited.  The ‘Protecting Pollinators in Ornamental Landscapes’ conference, will be held in Kanuga, North Carolina, October 12 – 15, 2015.  The conference kicks-off with a keynote address by Professor Dave Goulson, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, at 7:30 PM, October 12th, followed by a welcoming reception for all.  Dr. Goulson is first author of the recent Science Magazine review summary article: ‘Bee Declines Driven by Combined Stress from Parasites, Pesticides, and Lack of Flowers’.  He will be joined by 22 speakers from 11 universities and 3 countries, including Jane Memet (University of Bristol), Nigel Raines (University of Guelph), Dan Potter (University of Kentucky), Rufus Isaacs (Michigan State University), and many other outstanding speakers.  The conference will take place at the Kanuga Conference Center, in the mountains of North Carolina, which should be in full fall color.  It is designed to stimulate discussion among scientists, educators, industry leaders, landscape professionals and conservationists in a relaxed atmosphere.  Please see the attached brochure for a complete program.  Registering early is recommended.

Register for the conference at
Register for accommodations at the Kanuga Conference Center at

For more information about the conference, or for assistance in registering, please contact Kristin Getter,, or Heidi Wollaeger,