Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Conservation Buffers to Support Beneficial Insects on Organic Farms

Conservation Buffers to Support Beneficial Insects on Organic Farms
Feb 2, 2016 3:00 pm US/Eastern

You are invited to attend our latest Live Webinar sponsored by: USDA NRCS Science and Technology.
What will you learn?
Participate in this webinar to learn about the use of conservation buffers on organic farms to attract and sustain beneficial insects and on-farm biodiversity. learn more here...
Who should participate?Conservationists
Organic Agriculture Specialists
Technical Service Providers
Land Owners
Land Managers
Session Details:Feb 2, 2016 3:00 pm US/Eastern     Duration: 01:00 (hh:mm)     Export Event to Calendar *** Please join the session 15 minutes prior to the start of the webinar. ***
Presenters/Authors:Mace Vaughan, Pollinator Program Co-Director, Xerces Society & Partner Biologist and Pollinator Specialist, USDA NRCS West National Technology Support Center, Portland, OR
Education Credits from the following organizations continuing education programs have been approved or applied for:The Wildlife Society - 1 hour TWS Category 1 Credit    [status: Applied For] 
Certified Crop Advisors - 1 hour CCA - PM Credit    
[status: Approved] 
Conservation Planner - 1 hour Conservation Planning Credit    
[status: Approved]
Contact for more information.

Webinar Access Instructions!
To participate, go to on the day of the webinar and follow the instructions below:
1. To find the webinar, click the Live Webinars button at the top of the page.  When you find this webinar, click on the webinar name and you will be directed to the webinar page.
2. To join the live webinar, click the orange join button at the top of the webinar page.  If the webinar has been archived, you can take this webinar by clicking the orange view button at the top of the webinar page.
3. Completely fill out the registration form and click submit.
4. If you are presented with a survey, you must take this short survey before being directed to  participate or view the webinar.
5. After completing the survey (if applicable) you will be redirected to Adobe Connect to join the webinar session.  For more information about testing your PC/Mac for compatibility with Adobe Connect, see  below.
6. Once redirected to Adobe Connect, login to Adobe Connect as a GUEST by entering your name.  You will then be joined to the Adobe Connect webinar.
7Audio: Once you have successfully logged into the Adobe Connect webinar, you will hear the webinar audio through your device's speakers or headset -alternately- if the webinar is also setup for telephone dial-in, you will be given the phone number in the Adobe Connect application after you join the webinar.
For information on using Adobe Connect and for configuring the audio portion of the webinar, see the  Adobe Connect Participant Guide.

TEST Your Device for Compatibility with Adobe Connect!
§  Windows and Mac Users - Prepare in Advance. If you have not already tested your PC or Mac for accessing Adobe Connect meetings/webinars, you'll need to run the Adobe Connect Test Tool FIRST. This tool will verify that your PC/Mac is setup correctly in order to participate in Adobe Connect meetings/webinars.  
§  Adobe Connect for Mobile Device :
§  See the  Adobe Connect Mobile guide for information on how to participate in live webinars accessed using the Join button.
§  To participate in on-demand webinars accessed using the View button, visit ConservationWebinars.netusing a mobile browser app that supports Adobe Flash.  The Puffin Browser supports Adobe Flash and is available from the Apple Store and Google Play.

This webinar has been made possible through a partnership with: